Monday, 22 August 2011

Creativity and Humour; the joy of Materialising your Imagination and why we find things Funny.

 I would call myself creative, I enjoy making something and then taking a step back and staring at my new creation with a parental sigh before throwing it over my shoulder and working on the next piece. All in all, I would make a TERRIBLE mother. Partly because I am a guy and have the wrong body for it, and also partly because everything that comes out of me I look back on with disgust.
Yes, creative people are proud of their latest works, but when the newest one surpasses that (as it must in the natural course of things) then the less perfect creation is seen as a weakness that has been overcome, a shit that is out of the system. It doesn't look like this to anybody else, but to the creator it is a personal indication not of progress, but of past weakness.
Anyway, enough about lonely Monday afternoons.
What I shall explore this time is why we enjoy creating.
This time, I don't even have a theory to go by. This should be fun!

Why only humans?
I suppose the way to start off understanding why we are creative is to look at what creativity is. In order to understand this we should start off by understanding where it came from, and what it's possible purpose was.
What makes us different from most animals? I suppose language is one thing. This explains why we enjoy music (but I'll save that for a later post) however I can't see how expressing yourself is related... but wait!
Isn't expressing yourself all about communicating? Quite possibly, yes! so that's part of it, but it doesn't explain why we want to communicate our thoughts in the first place. Like I said in the opening paragraph, expressing creativity is about taking what's inside your imagination and making it real in some way.
A link. Human brains LOVE links. This is why we enjoy humour; humour is when your brain makes either a link or various links in one go. The more links are made in one piece of singular information the funnier we find something. This information is called the punchline. We find films interesting because they teach us how to react in different situations, documentaries are interesting because they teach us about new things, we are curious because we love learning.
Perhaps this seems odd, It did to me when I was in school, but humans do actually enjoy learning about subjects that interest them. I suppose we just love nurturing our brains.
So where does creativity come into this?
this calls for another chapter.

Creativity; Braingasm induction
The more interesting something is, the more we learn from it and the mroe we learn the more interesting it is. Learning also comes into perfecting brain functions that result in real world consequences; Skills.
We love perfecting skills. Drawing, singing, gaming, sports, they all stimulate us because we are getting better at them.This is part of the joy of creating. But there's more to it than that.
Once again lets not forget what creativity is; taking something imaginary, making it real.
Put yourself in the shoes of an animator.
In your head you have a character, you have a story and it all looks very good in there.
But you want to see it with your own eyes. So, you make it real, at least real as far as your eyes are concerned.
Now your visual cortex has confirmed what your imagination was babbling on about. It made a link. Imagination-sensory links are the hardest to make and are impossible to make without external influences. You can imagine a perfect pizza all you like but you won't be satisfied until you've made it. In the same way, your brain won't be satisfied until it's heard that awesome guitar riff, or seen  that idealic village portrayed in your painting.

Short one today, but that really is all I can think of regarding creativity.
  • Your brain loves to perfect skills, the sense of getting better at something gives it orgasmic pleasure.
  • Generally, your brain gets boners for neurological links. These come in the forms of learning, humour, practice and creation
  • Creation links are the hardest to make, and can only be made between the imagination and sensory cortex when you make your imaginations "real".
  • Theoretically, the more senses your creation applies to, the bigger your mindgasm.
  • Things are funny when you have lots of "loose ends" of information and they all come together in one single punchline. It's like having a jigsaw puzzle and sticking the last piece in the middle that links all the other pieces together. If the jigsaw was a brain it would shit itself laughing at this point.

1 comment:

  1. I tend to be disgusted by what comes out of me too.


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